RR 2016 – Week 8
Blackburn Seniors C v College – The Dog Ate My Homework
I am hoping that the title of this report has given you a clue as to why you have had to wait so long for last week’s match report.
I remember how close the game was – neck and neck all the way, with big John Bromley, College’s non playing Captain, frantically keeping a running tally of the points scored. I remember how many times Steve Smith dived on to the floor as he retrieved the shuttle and how the rest of his team wondered if it was all for the Roving Reporter’s benefit. I can also remember a detailed exchange with John on various knee operations he had had and exercises I could do to strengthen my knee. But, without my notes, I can only remember that College just about won on the night.
And that’s where the title of the report comes in. I do have a dog. Dylan. Whether he really has eaten the notes I made last week or whether they will eventually turn up under the mountain of paper work I call marking, I do not know. I only know I couldn’t let you wait any longer.
So, all you are getting this week is a sincere apology, lots of pictures, and the promise that I will aim to do better next time!