2nd Blackburn Town Team
Blackburn 2nd Town Team have played all their games for this season and whilst they didn’t win any matches, it was good to see junior players involved and different players representing the league. Thank you to those who played-
Paul Ainscoe- College
Cameron Holt- Telecom
David Holt- Telecom
Michael Boothman- Roefield
Matt Cole- Roefield
Sameer Kadiri- Blackburn Harpoons
Ahmed Awan- Blackburn Harpoons
Ahmed Ali- Blackburn Harpoons
Lily Edmundson- Blackburn Seniors
Hayley Wilson- Blackburn Seniors
Helen Shanks- Blackburn Seniors
Brenna McPartlan- Blackburn Harpoons
Katie Dudgeon- Blackburn Harpoons
Helen McPartlan- Blackburn Harpoons